Pitanje br. 2109
OPTIMALIZACIJA IZBORA PROJEKTA PRIMJENOM AHP METODE (radi se o području operacijskog menadžmenta; o području višekriterijalnog izbora odlučivanja; autor teorije je T. Saaty)


  1. Informacijska tehnologija u poslovanju / autori Vesna Bosilj Vukšić ... [et al.]. Zagreb : Element, 2004 - sign. 007(075.8) /INF/

Članci u časopisima i zbornicima:

  1. Čaklović, Lavoslav: Improvement of AHP method // Mathematical communications : official publication of the Croatian Mathematical Society, Division Osijek, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek. 1 (2001), 1 ; str. 13-21

  2. Begičević, Nina: Development of AHP based model for decision making on e-learning implementation // Journal of information and organizational sciences. 31 (2007), 1 ; str. 13-24

  3. Šporčić, Mario: Višekriterijsko odlučivanje kao podrška u gospodarenju šumama– modeli i iskustva. // Šumarski list. 134 (2010), 5-6 ; 275-286

  4. Dizdar, Dražan: Primjena AHP metode za procjenu stvarne kvalitete sportaša u ekipnim sportkim igrama// International Conference "Contemporary Kinesiology" (2 ; 2007 ; Mostar): Contemporary kinesiology : proceedings of 2nd International Conference "Contemporary kinesiology", Mostar 14-16 December 2007. Split : Faculty of Kinesiology ; Mostar : Faculty of Natural Science, Mathematics and Education ; Ljubljana : Faculty of Sport, 2007 ; str. 19-32

  5. Hunjak, Tihomir: Određivanje težina kriterija kod višekriterijalnog izbora investicijskih projekata pomoću metode svojstvenog vektora i metode entropije // Zbornik radova : [journal of information and organizational sciences = časopis za informacijske i organizacijske znanosti] / Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet organizacije i informatike Varaždin 8 (1984) ; str.213-219

  6. Begičević, Nina: Grupno odlučivanje AHP metodom //CASE ... 17 (2005) ; str. 47-54

  7. Gukov, Robert: Izbor ponuditelja na javnom natječaju AHP metodom // Hrvatske vode. 13 (2005), 52 ; str. 283-291

  8. Bošnjak, Ivan: Design of delivery areas of public postal operator by applying AHP model // Promet. 17 (2005), 2 ; str. 77-85


EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem Carnet Centra za online baze: Pristup Internetu za studente ):

  1. Karimi, A. R.; Mehrdadi, N.; Hashemian, S. J.; Nabi-Bidhendi, Gh. R.; Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R.: USING OF THE FUZZY TOPSIS AND FUZZY AHP METHODS FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROCESS SELECTION. // International Journal of Academic Research, Jan2011, Vol. 3 Issue 1, p737-745

  2. Ansarinejad, Ayyub; Amalnick, Mohsen-Sadegh; Ghadamyari, Mohammad; Ansarinejad, Samad; Hatami-Shirkouhi, Loghman.: EVALUATING THE CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS IN ERP IMPLEMENTATION USING FUZZY AHP APPROACH. // International Journal of Academic Research, Jan2011, Vol. 3 Issue 1, p65-80

  3. Ertuğrul, İrfan; Karakaşoğlu, Nilsen: Comparison of fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS methods for facility location selection. // International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Dec2008, Vol. 39 Issue 7/8, p783-795

  4. Karaarslan, Nevin; Gundogar, Emin.: An application for modular capability-based ERP software selection using AHP method. // International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Oct2009, Vol. 42 Issue 9/10, p1025-1033

Science Direct (pristup u GISKO ili putem Carnet Centra za online baze: Pristup Internetu za studente ):

  1. Yucheng Dong, Guiqing Zhang, Wei-Chiang Hong, Yinfeng Xu: Consensus models for AHP group decision making under row geometric mean prioritization method // Decision Support Systems, Volume 49, Issue 3, June 2010, Pages 281-289

  2. Yucheng Dong, Yinfeng Xu, Hongyi Li, Min Dai: A comparative study of the numerical scales and the prioritization methods in AHP // European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 186, Issue 1, 1 April 2008, Pages 229-242

  3. Malcolm Beynon: DS/AHP method: A mathematical analysis, including an understanding of uncertainty // European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 140, Issue 1, 1 July 2002, Pages 148-164

  4. Mikko Kurttila, Mauno Pesonen, Jyrki Kangas, Miika Kajanus: Utilizing the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in SWOT analysis — a hybrid method and its application to a forest-certification case // Forest Policy and Economics, Volume 1, Issue 1, 1 May 2000, Pages 41-52

  5. L. Mikhailov: Group prioritization in the AHP by fuzzy preference programming method // Computers & Operations Research, Volume 31, Issue 2, February 2004, Pages 293-301

  6. Stan Lipovetsky: The synthetic hierarchy method: An optimizing approach to obtaining priorities in the AHP // European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 93, Issue 3, 20 September 1996, Pages 550-564

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65 Poslovanje i organizacija

Operacijska istraživanja -- Ekonomija