Pitanje br. 2250
Pasivno i aktivno solarno grijanje


  1. Potočnik, Vladimir: Obnovljivi izvori energije i zaštita okoliša u Hrvatskoj. Zagreb : Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prostornog uređenja, 2002 - sign. 620 /POT/ o

  2. Kulišić, Petar: Novi izvori energije. Dio 2 : Sunčana energija i energija vjetra. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 1991 - sign. 620(075.8)sv2 /KUL/ n

  3. Šljivac, Damir: Obnovljivi izvori energije s osvrtom na štednju. Osijek : Elektrotehnički fakultet, 2007. - sign. 620 /ŠLJI/ o

  4. Labudović, Boris: Osnove primjene solarnih toplinskih sustava. Zagreb : Energetika marketing, 2010 - sign. 620 /LAB/ o OP

  5. Zbašnik Senegačnik, Martina: Pasivna kuća. Zagreb : Sun arh, 2009 - sign. 620.9 /ZBA/ p

  6. Hrastnik, Branimir: SUNEN - Program korištenja energije sunca : nove spoznaje i provedba. Zagreb : Energetski institut "Hrvoje Požar", 2001 - sign. 620 /HRA/ s OP

  7. Lalović, Branko: Nasušno sunce : kako da iskoristimo sunčanu energiju. Beograd : Nolit, 1982 - sign. 620 /LAL/ n

  8. Knapp, Vladimir: Novi izvori energije : nuklearna energija fisije i fuzije i sunčana energija. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 1985 - sign. 620(075.8) /KNA/ n

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Urli, Natko: Projektiranje, konstrukcija i praćenje rada pokusnog uređaja za solarno grijanje vode dugim kolektorom. // Sunčeva energija : znanstveni časopis za sunčevu i ostale alternativne izvore energije. 4 (1983) ; str. 19-24

Science Direct (pristup u GISKO ili putem Carnet Centra za online baze: Pristup Internetu za studente ):

  1. Badescu, Viorel; Staicovici, Mihail Dan. : Renewable energy for passive house heating: Model of the active solar heating system. // Energy & Buildings, Feb2006, Vol. 38 Issue 2, p129-141

  2. Lee, Dong Won; Sharma, Atul.: Thermal performances of the active and passive water heating systems based on annual operation. // Solar Energy, Feb2007, Vol. 81 Issue 2, p207-215

  3. Viorel Badescu: Simulation analysis for the active solar heating system of a passive house // Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 25, Issues 17-18, December 2005, Pages 2754-2763

  4. Hoy-Yen Chan, Saffa B. Riffat, Jie Zhu: Review of passive solar heating and cooling technologies // Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 14, Issue 2, February 2010, Pages 781-789

  5. F. Cuadros, F. López-Rodríguez, C. Segador, A. Marcos: A simple procedure to size active solar heating schemes for low-energy building design // Energy and Buildings, Volume 39, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 96-104

  6. Bruno Peuportiera and Jacques Michelb: Comparative analysis of active and passive solar heating systems with transparent insulation // Solar Energy. Volume 54, Issue 1, January 1995, Pages 13-18

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem Carnet Centra za online baze: Pristup Internetu za studente ):

  1. Ogueke, N. V.; Anyanwu, E. E.; Ekechukwu, O. V.: A review of solar water heating systems. // Journal of Renewable & Sustainable Energy, Jul2009, Vol. 1 Issue 4, p043106

  2. Kummert, Michaël; André, Philippe; Argiriou, Athanassios A.: Comparing Control Strategies Using Experimental and Simulation Results: Methodology and Application to Heating Control of Passive Solar Buildings. // HVAC&R Research, Jul2006 Supplement, Vol. 12 Issue 3a, p715-737

Izvori na internetu (30.05.2011.):

  1. Ursula Eicker: Solar Technologies for Buildings. West Sussex : John Wiley & Sons , c. 2003.

  2. Green building : project planning & cost estimating. Hoboken, N.J. : RSMeans : Wiley, ©2011.

  3. Werner Weiss: Solar heating systems for houses : a design handbook for solar combisystems ; [Task 26 "Solar combisystems" of the] IEA International Energy Agency Solar Heating and Cooling Programme. London : James & James, 2003.

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62 Inženjerstvo i tehnika

Solarna energija -- Korištenje, Grijanje