Pitanje br. 2290
Zadovoljstvo fizičkim izgledom (razlike zadovoljstvom fizičkim izgledom kod introverata i ekstroverata)


  1. Larsen, Randy J.: Psihologija ličnosti : područja znanja o ljudskoj prirodi. Jasterbarsko : Naklada Slap, 2008 - sign. 159.92(075.8) /LAR/ p

  2. Burušić, Josip: Samopredstavljanje : taktike i stilovi. Jastrebarsko : Naklada Slap, 2007 - sign. 159.91 /BUR/ s

  3. Lacković-Grgin, Katica: Samopoimanje mladih. Jastrebarsko : Naklada Slap, 1994 - sign. 159.92 /LAC/ s

  4. Lacković-Grgin, Katica: Psihologija adolescencije. Jastrebarsko : Naklada Slap, 2006 [i. e.] 2005 - sign. 159.92(075.8) /LAC/ p

  5. Berk, Laura E.: Psihologija cjeloživotnog razvoja . Jastrebarsko : Naklada Slap, 2008 - sign. 159.92(075.8) /BER/ p

  6. Miljković, Dubravka: Razgovori sa zrcalom : psihologija samopouzdanja. Zagreb : IEP, 2008 - sign. 159.92 /MILJ/ r


  1. Wardle, Jane; Foley, Elizabeth: Body Image: Stability and Sensitivity of Body Satisfaction and Body Size Estimation. // International Journal of Eating Disorders, Jan89, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p55-62

  2. Downs, Daniel M.; James, Shaan; Cowan, Gloria: Body Objectification, Self-Esteem, and Relationship Satisfaction: A Comparison of Exotic Dancers and College Women. // Sex Roles, Jun2006, Vol. 54 Issue 11/12, p745-752

  3. Webster, Jessica; Tiggemann, Marika: The Relationship Between Women's Body Satisfaction and Self-Image Across the Life Span: The Role of Cognitive Control. // Journal of Genetic Psychology, Jun2003, Vol. 164 Issue 2, p241

  4. Sciangula, Antonella; Morry, Marian M.: Self-Esteem and Perceived Regard: How I See Myself Affects My Relationship Satisfaction. // Journal of Social Psychology, Apr2009, Vol. 149 Issue 2, p143-158

  5. Wedell, Douglas H.; Santoyo, Elaine M.; Pettibone, Jonathan C.: The Thick and the Thin of It: Contextual Effects in Body Perception. // Basic & Applied Social Psychology, Sep2005, Vol. 27 Issue 3, p213-228

Science Direct

  1. Line Tremblay, Tanya Lovsin, Cheryl Zecevic, Michel Larivière: Perceptions of self in 3–5-year-old children: A preliminary investigation into the early emergence of body dissatisfaction // Body Image, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 19 May 2011

  2. Pieternel Dijkstra, Dick P.H. Barelds: Women's meta-perceptions of attractiveness and their relations to body image // Body Image, Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 74-77

  3. Marika Tiggemann: Body dissatisfaction and adolescent self-esteem: Prospective findings // Body Image, Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2005, Pages 129-135


  1. Kuni J. Simis, Frank C. Verhulst, Hans M. Koot: Body Image, Psychosocial Functioning, and Personality: How Different Are Adolescents and Young Adults Applying for Plastic Surgery? // Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Volume 42, Issue 5, pages 669–678, July 2001

Google Books:

  1. Sarah Grogan: Body image: understanding body dissatisfaction in men, women, and children. Hove : Routledge, c.2008

  2. Thomas F Cash: Body image : a handbook of theory, research, and clinical practice. New York [u.a.] : Guilford Press, 2004.

  3. James M. Olson, Mark P. Zanna: Self-inference processes. Hillsdale : Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., c.1990.

Izvori na internetu (08.06.2011.):

  1. Istraživanje agencije Puls: Prava istina o ljepoti

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