Pitanje br. 2603

Depresivnost i doživljaj bolesti kod osoba oboljelih od dijabetesa.



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Članci u časopisima:

  1. Kozel, Dejan, Andren Marušić: Individuals with diabetes mellitus with and without depressive symptoms : could social network explain the comorbidity? // Psychiatria Danubina. - 18 (2006), 1/2 ; str. 12-18
  2. Knežević, Aleksandar: Diabetes mellitus as a psychosomatic problem // Psychiatria Danubina. - 9 (1997), 2 ; str. 117-121
  3. Vinter-Repalust, Nevenka, Goranka Petriček, Milica Katić: Obstacles which patients with type 2 diabetes meet while adhering to the therapeutic regimen in everyday life : qualitative study // Croatian medical journal. - 45 (2004), 5 ; str. 630-636

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze: Pristup za korisnika - Proxy ):

  1. Fortmann, Addie L.; Gallo, Linda C.; Walker, Chris; Philis-Tsimikas, Athena: Support for disease management, depression, self-care, and clinical indicators among Hispanics with type 2 diabetes in San Diego County, United States of America. // Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública, Sep2010, Vol. 28 Issue 3, p230-234
  2. Katon, Wayne: Depression and diabetes: unhealthy bedfellows. // Depression & Anxiety (1091-4269), Apr2010, Vol. 27 Issue 4, p323-326
  3. Katon, Jodie G.; Russo, Joan; Gavin, Amelia R.; Melville, Jennifer L.; Katon, Wayne J.: Diabetes and Depression in Pregnancy: Is There an Association? // Journal of Women's Health (15409996), Jul2011, Vol. 20 Issue 7, p983-989
  4. Pibernik-Okanović, Mirjana; Ajduković, Dea; Lovrenčić, Marijana Vučić; Hermanns, Norbert: Does treatment of subsyndromal depression improve depression and diabetes related outcomes: protocol for a randomised controlled comparison of psycho-education, physical exercise and treatment as usual. // Trials, 2011, Vol. 12 Issue 1, p1-8
  5. van Bastelaar, K. M. P.; Pouwer, F.; Geelhoed-Duijvestijn, P. H. L. M.; Tack, C. J.; Bazelmans, E.; Beekman, A. T.; Heine, R. J.; Snoek, F. J.: Diabetes-specific emotional distress mediates the association between depressive symptoms and glycaemic control in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. // Diabetic Medicine, Jul2010, Vol. 27 Issue 7, p798-803
  6. Yavari, Abass; Mashinchi, Naimeh: Diabetes and Depression. // Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, 2010, Vol. 6 Issue 3, p38-43
  7. Katon, Wayne J.; Lin, Elizabeth H. B.; Williams, Lisa H.; Ciechanowski, Paul; Heckbert, Susan R.; Ludman, Evette; Rutter, Carolyn; Crane, Paul K.; Oliver, Malia; Korff, Michael Von: Comorbid Depression Is Associated with an Increased Risk of Dementia Diagnosis in Patients with Diabetes: A Prospective Cohort Study. // JGIM: Journal of General Internal Medicine, May2010, Vol. 25 Issue 5, p423-429
  8. Gonzalez, Jeffrey S.; McCarl, Lauren A.; Wexler, Deborah J.; Cagliero, Enrico; Delahanty, Linda; Soper, Tiffany D.; Goldman, Valerie; Knauz, Robert; Safren, Steven A.: Cognitive--Behavioral Therapy for Adherence and Depression (CBT-AD) in Type 2 Diabetes. // Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Winter2010, Vol. 24 Issue 4, p329-343
  9. Sturt, Jackie: COUNTERING ANXIETY IN PEOPLE WITH DIABETES. // Primary Health Care, Jun2011, Vol. 21 Issue 5, p16-20
  10. Osborn, Chandra Y.; Kozak, Cindy; Wagner, Julie: Theory in practice: Helping providers address depression in diabetes care. // Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, Summer2010, Vol. 30 Issue 3, p172-179
  11. Wagner, J. A.; Tennen, H.; Osborn, C. Y.: Lifetime depression and diabetes self-management in women with Type 2 diabetes: a case–control study. // Diabetic Medicine, Jun2010, Vol. 27 Issue 6, p713-717
  12. Lloyd, C. E.; Pambianco, G.; Orchard, T. J.: Does diabetes-related distress explain the presence of depressive symptoms and/or poor self-care in individuals with Type 1 diabetes?. // Diabetic Medicine, Feb2010, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p234-237
  13. Makine, C.; Karşıda, Ç.; Kadıoğlu, P.; Ilkova, H.; Karşığda, K.; Skovlund, S. E.; Snoek, F. J.; Pouwer, F.: Symptoms of depression and diabetes-specific emotional distress are associated with a negative appraisal of insulin therapy in insulin-naïve patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. A study from the European Depression in Diabetes [EDID] Research... // Diabetic Medicine, Jan2009, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p28-33
  14. Schram, Miranda T.; Baan, Caroline A.; Pouwer, François: Depression and Quality of Life in Patients with Diabetes: A Systematic Review from the European Depression in Diabetes (EDID) Research Consortium. // Current Diabetes Reviews, 2009, Vol. 5 Issue 2, p112-119

Science Direct (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze: Pristup za korisnika - Proxy ):

  1. W. Zhao, Y. Chen, M. Lin, R.J. Sigal: Association between diabetes and depression: Sex and age differences // Public Health, Volume 120, Issue 8, August 2006, Pages 696-704
  2. Dominique L Musselman, Ephi Betan, Hannah Larsen, Lawrence S Phillips: Relationship of depression to diabetes types 1 and 2: epidemiology, biology, and treatment // Biological Psychiatry, Volume 54, Issue 3, 1 August 2003, Pages 317-329
  3. Lars Vedel Kessing, Flemming Mørkeberg Nilsson, Volkert Siersma, Per Kragh Andersen: No increased risk of developing depression in diabetes compared to other chronic illness // Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, Volume 62, Issue 2, November 2003, Pages 113-121
  4. David G. Bruce, Genevieve P. Casey, Valerie Grange, Roger C. Clarnette, Osvaldo P. Almeida, Jonathan K. Foster, Franklyn J. Ives, Timothy M.E. Davis: Cognitive impairment, physical disability and depressive symptoms in older diabetic patients: the Fremantle Cognition in Diabetes Study // Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, Volume 61, Issue 1, July 2003, Pages 59-67
  5. Robert D. Goldney, MD, Pat J. Phillips, MA, Laura J. Fisher, BA HONS, David H. Wilson, PHD : Diabetes, Depression, and Quality of Life : a population study // Diabetes Care May 2004 vol. 27 no. 5 1066-1070

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Šećerna bolest