Pitanje br. 2609

Thomas Robert Malthus



  1. Malthus, Thomas Robert // Ekonomski leksikon / urednici Mia Mikić...[et. al]. Zagreb : Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža : Masmedia, 2011 - sign. 33(03) /EKO/
  2. Malthus, Thomas Robert (1766-1834) // The social science encyclopedia. London ; New York : Routledge, 2003 - sign. 316(03) /SOC/
  3. Malthus, Thomas Robert // Encyclopedia Americana : complete in thirty volumes. Vol. 18 : M to Mexico City. Danbury : Scholastic Library Publishing, cop. 2004 - sign. 03sv18 /ENC/
  4. Malthus, Thomas Robert: O načelu populacije. Zagreb : Izvori, 2008 - sign. 314 /MAL/ o
  5. Wertheimer-Baletić, Alica: Stanovništvo i razvoj. Zagreb : Mate, 1999 - sign. 314 /WER/ s
  6. Malthusian Economics // International encyclopedia of economics. Vol 2 : The Lorenz curve - Youth in the workforce. London ; Chicago : Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, c1997. - sign. 33(03)sv2 /INT/

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem Carnet Centra za online baze: Pristup Internetu za studente - Proxy ):

  1. Vance, Rupert B.: Malthus and the principle of population. // Foreign Affairs, Jul48, Vol. 26 Issue 4, p682-692
  2. Rickard, Suzanne: Conversations With Malthius. // History Today, Dec99, Vol. 49 Issue 12, p47
  3. Thomas Robert Malthus. // Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 7/1/2010, p1-1
  4. Hess, John L.: Malthus Then and Now. // Nation, 4/18/1987, Vol. 244 Issue 15, p496-500
  5. Petersen, William: A New Look at Malthus. // Society, Nov/Dec98, Vol. 36 Issue 1, p60-65

UDK pojmovi: 
314 Demografija. Studije populacije

Populacijska politika -- Teorijski modeli