Pitanje br. 2956
Utjecaj morfoloških karakteristika na pojavnost sindroma bolnih leđa kod odbojkašica


  1. Medved, Radovan: Sportska medicina. Zagreb : Jugoslavenska medicinska naklada, 1980 - sign. 61(075.8) /MED/ s

  2. Medved, Radovan i sur.: Sportska medicina. Zagreb : Jugoslavenska medicinska naklada, 1987 - 2. izdanje - sign. 61(075.8) /MED/ s OP

  3. Kosinac, Zdenko: Kineziterapija : tretmani poremećaja i bolesti organa i organskih sustava. Split : Tiskara Majumi : Udruga za šport i rekreaciju djece i mladeži grada Splita, 2006 - sign. 615.8(075.8) /KOS/ k

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Fritz, Julie M.; Clifford, Shannon N.: Low Back Pain in Adolescents: A Comparison of Clinical Outcomes in Sports Participants and Nonparticipants. // Journal of Athletic Training, Jan/Feb2010, Vol. 45 Issue 1, p61-66

  2. Ladeira, Carlos E.: Evidence based practice guidelines for management of low back pain: physical therapy implications. // Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy / Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia, mai/jun2011, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p190-199

  3. Woolf, Shane K.; Glaser, John A.: Low Back Pain in Running-based Sports. // Southern Medical Journal, Sep2004, Vol. 97 Issue 9, p847-851

  4. Hart, Joseph M.; Kerrigan, D. Casey; Fritz, Julie M.; Ingersoll, Christopher D.: Jogging Kinematics After Lumbar Paraspinal Muscle Fatigue. // Journal of Athletic Training, Sep/Oct2009, Vol. 44 Issue 5, p475-481

  5. Lively, Mathew W.: Sports Medicine Approach to Low Back Pain. // Southern Medical Journal, Jun2002, Vol. 95 Issue 6, p642-646

  6. Agel, Julie; Palmieri-Smith, Riann M.; Dick, Randall; Wojtys, Edward M.; Marshall, Stephen W.: Descriptive Epidemiology of Collegiate Women's Volleyball Injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 Through 2003-2004. // Journal of Athletic Training, Apr-Jun2007, Vol. 42 Issue 2, p295-302

  7. Zetou, E.; Malliou, P.; Lola, A.; Tsigganos, G.; Godolias, G: Factors related to the incidence of injuries' appearance to volleyball .players. // Journal of Back & Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2006, Vol. 19 Issue 4, p129-134

  8. Christopher M. Bono, MD: Low-Back Pain in Athletes // The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, Volume 86, Issue 2

  9. R Bahr: No injuries, but plenty of pain? On the methodology for recording overuse symptoms in sports // Br J Sports Med 2009;43:966-972

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615.8 Fizioterapija. Ostali nemedicinski terapijski postupci
