Pitanje br. 3694

Sigurnost elektroničkog poslovanja u financijskom sektoru - Slučaj Hrvatska 


EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Dominic, Bucerzan; Crina, Ratiu: Security aspects in the e-banking system // Analele Universitatii Maritime Constanta, 2009, Vol. 10 Issue 12, p355-360

Google Scolar:

  1. Joris Claessens, Valentin Dem, Danny De Cock, Bart Preneel, Joos Vandewalle: On the Security of Today’s On-line Electronic Banking Systems // Computers & Security 2001
  2. Morten Hertzum, Niels Jørgensen, Mie Nørgaard: USABLE SECURITY AND E-BANKING: EASE OF USE VIS-À-VIS SECURITY // AJIS Special Issue December 2004
  3. Nadim Jahangir* and Noorjahan Begum: The role of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, security and privacy, and customer attitude to engender customer adaptation in the context of electronic banking // African Journal of Business Management Vol.2 (1), pp. 032-040, February, 2008


  1. Informatika u poslovanju / autori Mladen Varga... [et al.] Zagreb : Element, 2007 - sign. 007(075.8) /INF/
  2. Panian, Željko: Poslovna informatika : koncepti, metode i tehnologija. Zagreb : Potecon, 2001 - sign. 007(075.8) /PAN/ p

Članci u časopisima i zbornicima:

  1. Krolo, Jakov; Šilić Marin; Srbljić Siniša: Security of Web Level User Identity Management // Proceedings of the Information Systems Security, MIPRO 2009 ; str. 93-98

Izvori na internetu (30.03.2012.):

  1. Novokmet, Stipe: Sigurnost web-aplikacija za elektroničko poslovanje / završni rad - diplomski/integralni studij. Zagreb : Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 04.07. 2011

UDK pojmovi: 
004 Računarstvo i internet, Bankarstvo

Poslovna informatika