Pitanje br. 4082

Pregovaračke vještine menadžera u mulikulturalnim organizacijama



  1. Bedeković, Vesna: Interkulturalni aspekti menadžmenta. Virovitica : Visoka škola za menadžment u turizmu i informatici, 2010 - sign. 65.01(075.8) /BED/ i
  2. Buble, Marin: Menadžerske vještine. Zagreb : Sinergija- nakladništvo, 2010 - sign. 65.01 /BUB/ m
  3. Buble, Marin: Međunarodni menadžment. Zagreb : Lares plus, 2009 - sign. 658.8 /BUB/ m
  4. Bahtijarević-Šiber, Fikreta: Suvremeni menadžment : vještine, sustavi i izazovi. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2008 - sign. 65.01(075.8) /BAH/ s
  5. Nadrljanski, Mila: Komunikologija i menadžment : istraživanja komunikoloških aspekata obrazovanja menadžera. Split : Redak, 2010 - sign. 65.01 /NAD/ k OP
  6. Segetlija, Zdenko: Poslovno pregovaranje. Osijek : Ekonomski fakultet, 2009. - sign. 65.01(075.8) /SEG/ p
  7. Lamza-Maronić, Maja: Poslovno komuniciranje. Osijek : Ekonomski fakultet : Studio SH internet, 2008. - sign. 659(075.8) /LAM/ p

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Pološki Vokić, Nina: Globalna orijentacija i globalne kompetencije vrhovnih menadžera u Hrvatskoj. // Društvena istraživanja. 16 (2007), 3(89) ; str. 533-566
  2. Križman Pavlović, Danijela: Uloga poslovnog pregovaranja u stjecanju konkurentske prednosti. // Ekonomska istraživanja. 21 (2008), 4 ; str. 62-81

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Fowler, Michael R.: Culture and Negotiation: The Pedagogical Dispute Regarding Cross-Cultural Simulations. // International Studies Perspectives, Aug2009, Vol. 10 Issue 3, p341-359
  2. Rød, Anne: Working with Intercultural Teams to Optimize Performance. // OD Practitioner, Winter2012, Vol. 44 Issue 1, p28-33
  3. Ready, Kathryn J.; Tessema, Mussie T.: Perceptions and Strategies in the Negotiation Process: A Cross Cultural Examination of U.S. and Malaysia. // International Negotiation, 2009, Vol. 14 Issue 3, p493-517
  4. Prestwich, Roger: Cross-Cultural Negotiating: A Japanese-American Case Study from Higher Education. // International Negotiation, 2007, Vol. 12 Issue 1, p29-55
  5. Kumar, Rajesh: Communicative Conflict in Intercultural Negotiations: The Case of American and Japanese Business Negotiations. // International Negotiation, 1999, Vol. 4 Issue 1, p63-78
  6. Lee, Sujin: Judgment of Ingroups and Outgroups in Intra- and Intercultural Negotiation: The Role of Interdependent Self-Construal in Judgment Timing. // Group Decision & Negotiation, Jan2005, Vol. 14 Issue 1, p43-62

ScienceDirect (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Taina Vuorela: How does a sales team reach goals in intercultural business negotiations? A case study // English for Specific Purposes, Volume 24, Issue 1, 2005, Pages 65-92
  2. Lynn Imai, Michele J. Gelfand: The culturally intelligent negotiator: The impact of cultural intelligence (CQ) on negotiation sequences and outcomes // Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Volume 112, Issue 2, July 2010, Pages 83-98
  3. Lynn Imai, Michele J. Gelfand: The culturally intelligent negotiator: The impact of cultural intelligence (CQ) on negotiation sequences and outcomes // Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Volume 112, Issue 2, July 2010, Pages 83-98

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