Pitanje br. 4192

Referendum u Velikoj Britaniji



  1. Birch, Anthony Harold: Politički sustav Velike Britanije. Osijek ; Zagreb ; Split : Pan liber, 2000. - sign. 321 /BIR/ p
  2. Hartmann, Juergen: Politički sustavi Velike Britanije, SAD i Francuske : parlamentarni, predsjednički i polupredsjednički sustav vlasti. Zagreb : Politička kultura, 2006 - sign. 32(100) /HAR/ p

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Bogdanor, Vernon: An Era of Constitutional Reform // Political Quarterly, Jul2010, Vol. 81, pS53-S64
  2. Threlfall, Monica: The Purpose of Electoral Reform for Westminster. // Political Quarterly, Oct2010, Vol. 81 Issue 4, p522-536
  3. Jones, Barry; Wilford, Rick: FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS ON THE REFERENDUM: THE EVIDENCE OF THE WELSH VOTE ON DEVOLUTION. // Political Studies, Mar82, Vol. 30 Issue 1, p16-27

Google Scolar:

  1. Herbert W. Horwill: The Referendum in Great Britain // Political Science Quarterly. Vol. 26, No. 3 (Sep., 1911), pp. 415-431

Google Books:

  1. Vernon Bogdanor: The People and the Party System :the Referendum and Electoral Reform in British Politics. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1981.

UDK pojmovi: 
32 Politika

Velika Britanija -- Politički sustav