Pitanje br. 4438

Odnosi s javnošću (PR) neprofitinih organizacija



  1. Cutlip, Scott M.: Odnosi s javnošću. Zagreb : Mate, 2003 - sign. 659 /CUT/ o
  2. Tomić, Zoran: Odnosi s javnošću : teorija i praksa. Zagreb ; Sarajevo : Synopsis, 2008 - sign. 659 /TOM/ o
  3. Theaker, Alison: Priručnik za odnose s javnošću. Zagreb : Hrvatska udruga za odnose s javnošću, 2007 - sign. 659 /THE/ p
  4. Odnosi s javnošću za organizacije civilnoga društva / [uredili Boris Hajoš i Božo Skoko]. Zagreb : Hrvatska udruga za odnose s javnošću : Nacionalna zaklada za razvoj civilnoga društva, 2009 - sign. 061 /ODN/
  5. Vakanjac, Nenad: U središtu pažnje : priručnik o vještini prezentiranja. Rijeka : Smart - Udruga za razvoj civilnog društva, 2007 - sign. 061 /VAK/ u OP
  6. Bjornlund, Lydia: Odnosi s medijima za predstavnike lokane uprave : komuniciranjem do rezultata. Zagreb : Hrvatska udruga za odnose s javnošću, [2006?] - sign. 659 /BJO/ o
  7. Martinović, Drago: Komuniciranje jedinica lokalne samouprave s javnošću. Široki Brijeg [i.e.] Sarajevo : Media plan institut, 2010 - sign. 352 /MAR/ k
  8. PR priručnik za nevladine udruge : projekt "Žene i mediji: Rodna perspektiva" / [autorice Ana Diklić. Zagreb : Ženska infoteka, 2003 - sign. 061 /PUB/ OP
  9. Kunczik, Michael: Odnosi s javnošću : koncepti i teorije. Zagreb : Fakultet političkih znanosti, 2006 - sign. 659(075.8) /KUN/ o

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Marija Jović: Odnosi s javnošću u sportu // Zbornik radova Međimurskog veleučilišta u Čakovcu, Vol. 1 No. 2, 2010

EBSCO HOst (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Dyer, Sam; Buell, Teri; Harrison, Mashere; Weber, Sarah: Managing Public Relations in Nonprofit Organizations. // Public Relations Quarterly. Winter2002, Vol. 47 Issue 4, p13
  2. Kelly, Kathleen S.: Fund-Raising Encroachment and the Potential of Public Relations Departments in the Nonprofit Sector. // Journal of Public Relations Research. 1994, Vol. 6 Issue 1, p1. 22
  3. Selnick, Daniel: Public relations and the nonprofit: A necessary alliance. // Public Relations Tactics. Aug2005, Vol. 12 Issue 8, p20-23
  4. Mullen, Jennifer: Using the New Media to Promote Your Mission and Protect Your Reputation. // Nonprofit World. Jan/Feb2006, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p24-27

ScienceDirect (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Lindley Curtis, Carrie Edwards, Kristen L. Fraser, Sheryl Gudelsky, Jenny Holmquist, Kristin Thornton, Kaye D. Sweetser: Adoption of social media for public relations by nonprofit organizations // Public Relations Review, Volume 36, Issue 1, March 2010, Pages 90-92
  2. Gregory G. Rumsey, Candace White: Strategic corporate philanthropic relationships: Nonprofits’ perceptions of benefits and corporate motives // Public Relations Review, Volume 35, Issue 3, September 2009, Pages 301-303
  3. Seok Kang, Hanna E Norton: Nonprofit organizations’ use of the World Wide Web: are they sufficiently fulfilling organizational goals? // Public Relations Review, Volume 30, Issue 3, September 2004, Pages 279-284
  4. Kristen Lovejoy, Richard D. Waters, Gregory D. Saxton: Engaging stakeholders through Twitter: How nonprofit organizations are getting more out of 140 characters or less // Public Relations Review, Volume 38, Issue 2, June 2012, Pages 313-318
  5. Stephen A. Banning, Mary Schoen: Maximizing public relations with the organization–public relationship scale: Measuring a public's perception of an art museum // Public Relations Review, Volume 33, Issue 4, November 2007, Pages 437-439

Google Books:

  1. Kathleen A Neal: A primer on nonprofit PR : if charity begins at home-- Sarasota, Fla. : Pineapple Press, 2001.
  2. Bradford Fitch: Media relations handbook for agencies, associations, nonprofits, and Congress. Alexandria, VA : TheCapitol.Net, ©2004.

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