Pitanje br. 4447

Uzimanje dodataka prehrani u dječijoj dobi



  1. Mindell, Earl: Biblija zdravog djetinjstva : prehrambeni vodič za roditelje. Zagreb : Mozaik knjiga, 2001 - sign. 613.2 /MIN/ b

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Pollak, Lea: Dodaci prehrani i hrana za posebne prehrambene potrebe // MEDICUS. - 17 (2008), 1_Nutricionizam
  2. Vranešić, Darija: Dosadašnje spoznaje o učinkovitosti vitamina, minerala i drugih dodataka prehrani : kada je opravdano koristiti dodatke prehrani? // Medix. - 11 (2005), 60/61 ; str. 167-170

Ebsco Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Wehby, George L.; Murray, Jeffrey C.: The Effects of Prenatal Use of Folic Acid and Other Dietary Supplements on Early Child Development. // Maternal & Child Health Journal. Mar2008, Vol. 12 Issue 2, p180-187
  2. Nancy F. Krebs: Bioavailability of Dietary Supplements and Impact of Physiologic State: Infants, Children and Adolescents // J. Nutr. 2001 131: 4 1351S-1354S

ScienceDirect (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Regan L. Bailey, Victor L. Fulgoni III, Debra R. Keast, Cindy V. Lentino, Johanna T. Dwyer: Do Dietary Supplements Improve Micronutrient Sufficiency in Children and Adolescents? // The Journal of Pediatrics, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 18 June 2012
  2. Kavita M. Babu, Mary A. McCormick, Steven B. Bird: Pediatric Dietary Supplement Use—An Update // Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2005, Pages 85-92
  3. Shauna D. Ball, Debbie Kertesz, Laurie J. Moyer-Mileur: Dietary supplement use is prevalent among children with a chronic illness // Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Volume 105, Issue 1, January 2005, Pages 78-84
  4. Kathy L. Radimer: Methodological Issues in Assessing Dietary Supplement Use in Children // Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Volume 105, Issue 5, May 2005, Pages 703-708
  5. Andrea Hrastinger, Birgit Dietz, Rudolf Bauer, Rosalie Sagraves, Gail Mahady: Is there clinical evidence supporting the use of botanical dietary supplements in children? // The Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 146, Issue 3, March 2005, Pages 311-317
  6. M.S. Trumpy, L. Harnack, S. Duval, M. Story, M. Artz, L. Steffen, R. Luepker: Prevalence and Use of Dietary Supplements among Children and Adolescents // Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Volume 108, Issue 9, Supplement, September 2008, Page A15

Google Books:

  1. Christopher Duggan, MD.; John B Watkins; W Allan Walker: Nutrition in pediatrics : basic science, clinical applications. Hamilton, Ontario : B.C. Decker, 2008.
  2. Cydney E McQueen: Pharmaceutical care with dietary supplements : concepts and common sense. Bethesda : American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, ©2007

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613.2 Prehrana
