Pitanje br. 4538




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Članci u časopisima:

  1. Martišković, Željko; Vojak, Nikolina: Alternativni oblik financiranja malog poduzetništva putem mikrokredita. // Računovodstvo i financije. 03 (2009) ; sign. 131-136
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  3. Sajter, Domagoj: Mali krediti od sv. Franje do Muhameda Yunusa // Prilika. (2010), 4 ; str. 6-7

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze podataka - Proxy):

  1. Hoje Jo; Haesue Jo; Pathak, Manish: Microfinancing, interest rate and biblical safeguards. // Review of Business Research. 2011, Vol. 11 Issue 3, p59-67
  2. Hoje Jo; Bratcher, Nick; Freytag, Caroline; Lewis, Martin; Olson, Quinn: Doing well while doing good? Microfinancing and social responibility. // International Journal of Business Research. 2009, Vol. 9 Issue 4, p112-120
  3. Baltača, Brigita; Mavrenko, Tatjana: FINANCIAL COOPERATION AS A LOW-COST TOOL FOR EFFECTIVE MICROFINANCING. // Journal of Business Management. 2009, Issue 2, p56-64
  4. Campbell, Gregor: Microfinancing the Developing World: how small loans empower local economies and catalyse neoliberalism's endgame. // Third World Quarterly. Oct2010, Vol. 31 Issue 7, p1081-1090
  5. Nowak, Maria: Three microcredit schemes in Europe. // UNESCO Courier, Jan97, Vol. 50 Issue 1, p36
  6. Ohanyan, A.: Post–Conflict Global Governance: The Case of Microfinance Enterprise Networks in Bosnia and Herzegovina. // International Studies Perspectives, Nov2002, Vol. 3 Issue 4, p396-416
  7. Džafic, Zijad; Rovcanin, Adnan; Gržinic, Jasmina: THE ROLE OF MICROFINANCING IN PROMOTING DEVELOPMENT: THE EXPERIENCES IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AND CROATIA. // Our Economy (Nase Gospodarstvo). 2008, Vol. 54 Issue 3/4, p122-131

ScienceDirect (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze podataka - Proxy):

  1. Niels Hermes, Robert Lensink: Microfinance: Its Impact, Outreach, and Sustainability // World Development, Volume 39, Issue 6, June 2011, Pages 875-881
  2. Susanna Khavul, Helmuth Chavez, Garry D. Bruton: When institutional change outruns the change agent: The contested terrain of entrepreneurial microfinance for those in poverty // Journal of Business Venturing, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 9 August 2012
  3. Rients Galema, Robert Lensink, Laura Spierdijk: International diversification and Microfinance // Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 30, Issue 3, April 2011, Pages 507-515
  4. James Copestake: Mainstreaming Microfinance: Social Performance Management or Mission Drift? // World Development, Volume 35, Issue 10, October 2007, Pages 1721-1738

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