Pitanje br. 4576

Socijalna anksioznost



  1. Larsen, Randy J.: Psihologija ličnosti : područja znanja o ljudskoj prirodi. Jasterbarsko : Naklada Slap, 2008 - sign. 159.92(075.8) /LAR/ p
  2. Vulić-Prtorić, Anita: Istraživanja u razvojnoj psihopatologiji. Jastrebarsko : Naklada Slap, 2011 - sign. 159.92(075.8) /VUL/ i

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Burušić, Josip; Ferić, Ivana; Rihtar, Stanko: Prisutnost pojedinih aspekata socijalne evaluacije kod osoba nižega i višega samopoštovanja. // Društvena istraživanja. - 11 (2002), 4-5(60-61) ; str. 681-697
  2. Juretić, Jasminka: Socijalna i ispitna anksioznost te percepcija samoefikasnosti kao prediktori ishoda ispitne situacije // Psihologijske teme. - 17 (2008), 1
  3. Zubić, Darija ; Burušić, Josip: Fizička atraktivnost kao odrednica sociometrijskog statusa: moderirajući utjecaj samopoštovanja i socijalne anksioznosti // Suvremena psihologija. 12 (2009), 1
  4. Vera Ćubela Adorić: Svijest o sebi i drugima kod socijalne anksioznosti i samomotrenja: prilog validaciji Upitnika socijalne svijesti (2) // Suvremena psihologija. 6 (2003), 2

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Davis, Joshua M.; McKone, Elinor; Dennett, Hugh; O'Connor, Kirsty B.; O'Kearney, Richard; Palermo, Romina: Individual Differences in the Ability to Recognise Facial Identity Are Associated with Social Anxiety. // PLoS ONE. 2011, Vol. 6 Issue 12, p1-7
  2. Carleton, R. Nicholas; Collimore, Kelsey C.; Asmundson, Gordon J. G.; McCabe, Randi E.; Rowa, Karen; Antony, Martin M.: Refining and validating the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale and the Social Phobia Scale. // Depression & Anxiety (1091-4269). 2009, Vol. 26 Issue 2, pE71-E81
  3. Rasmussen, Michael K.; Pidgeon, Aileen M.: The direct and indirect benefits of dispositional mindfulness on self-esteem and social anxiety. // Anxiety, Stress & Coping. Mar2011, Vol. 24 Issue 2, p227-233
  4. Richards, Caroline; Moss, Jo; O'Farrell, Laura; Kaur, Gurmeash; Oliver, Chris: Social Anxiety in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome. // Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders. Aug2009, Vol. 39 Issue 8, p1155-1162
  5. Collimore, Kelsey C.; Carleton, R. Nicholas; Hofmann, Stefan G.; Asmundson, Gordon J.G.: Posttraumatic stress and social anxiety: the interaction of traumatic events and interpersonal fears. // Depression & Anxiety (1091-4269). Nov2010, Vol. 27 Issue 11, p1017-1026

ScienceDirect (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Wei-Ting Wang, Wen-Yau Hsu, Yu-Chen Chiu, Chi-Wen Liang: The hierarchical model of social interaction anxiety and depression: The critical roles of fears of evaluation // Journal of Anxiety Disorders, Volume 26, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 215-224
  2. Marisol J. Voncken, Lynn E. Alden, Susan M. Bögels: Hiding anxiety versus acknowledgment of anxiety in social interaction: Relationship with social anxiety // Behaviour Research and Therapy. Volume 44, Issue 11, Pages 1673-1679
  3. Thomas Heidenreich, Karin Schermelleh-Engel, Elisabeth Schramm, Stefan G. Hofmann, Ulrich Stangier: The factor structure of the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale and the Social Phobia Scale // Journal of Anxiety Disorders, Volume 25, Issue 4, May 2011, Pages 579-583
  4. Todd B. Kashdan, John E. Roberts: Affective outcomes in superficial and intimate interactions: Roles of social anxiety and curiosity // Journal of Research in Personality, Volume 40, Issue 2, April 2006, Pages 140-167

Web of Knowledge (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Button, Katherine S.; Browning, Michael; Munafo, Marcus R.; et al.: Social inference and social anxiety: Evidence of a fear-congruent self-referential learning bias // JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOR THERAPY AND EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHIATRY Volume: 43 Issue: 4 Pages: 1082-1087

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