Pitanje br. 4826

Odgojna uloga medija u visokoškolskom obrazovanju



  1. Miliša, Zlatko: Mladi - odgoj za medije : priručnik za stjecanje medijskih kompetencija. Zagreb : M.E.P., 2010 - sign. 37 /MIL/ m
  2. Alić, Sead: Mediji, od zavođenja do manipuliranja. Zagreb : AGM, 2009 - sign. 316.7 /ALI/ m
  3. Potter, James W.: Medijska pismenost. Beograd : Clio : Forin, 2011 - sign. 316.7 /POT/ m
  4. Mediji, kultura i civilno društvo / uredila Zrinjka Peruško. Zagreb : Jesenski i Turk : Hrvatsko sociološko društvo, 2008 - sign. 316.7 /MED/
  5. Aktivno učenje i kritičko mišljenje u visokoškolskoj nastavi : priručnik za nastavnike. Zagreb : Forum za slobodu odgoja, 2005 - sign. 378.1/ AKT OP
  6. Bates, Tony: Upravljanje tehnološkim promjenama : strategije za voditelje visokih učilišta. Zagreb : CARNet ; Lokve : Benja, 2004 - sign. 378.1 /BAT/ u

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Tolić, Mirela: Temeljni pojmovi suvremene medijske pedagogije. // Život i škola. - 22 (2009), 2 ; str. 97-103
  2. Miliša, Zlatko; Ćurko, Bruno: Odgoj za kritičko mišljenje i medijska manipulacija // MEDIANALI. - 4 (2010), 7  
  3. Mikić, K.: Mladi i mediji : stanje sadašnje. // Zbornik Učiteljske akademije u Zagrebu. - 1 (1999), 1 ; str. 113-123.
  4. Rodek, S.: Modeli istraživanja medijskog učinka u odgoju i obrazovanju. // Školski vjesnik. - 56 (2007), 1/2 ; str. 7-15
  5. Mikić, K.: Obrazuju li mediji? // Zbornik Učiteljske akademije u Zagrebu. - 5 (2003), 1(5) ; str. 85-90.

EBSCO HOst (pristup u GFISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze  - Proxy):

  1. Seok Kang; Kang, Jong G.: Electronic Media Curricuala of Celleges and Universities in Twelve Countries : transition, integration, and convergence of media instruczion in the digital era. // International Journal of Instructional Media. 2010, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p5-18
  2. Bunăiaşu, Claudiu Marian; Călin, Răzvan: Mass Media's Influence on Developing the Professional Competences and Attitudes Regarding the Didactic Career - Study of impact. // Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Educational Sciences Series. 2010, Vol. 62 Issue 1A, p162-171. 10p
  3. Dadzie, Perpetua S.: Information Literacy in Higher Education: Overview of Initiatives at Two Ghanaian Universities. // African Journal of Library, Archives & Information Science. Oct2009, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p165-175

WoK (pristup u GFISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Agnes Kukulska-Hulme: How should the higher education workforce adapt to advancements in technology for teaching and learning? // The Internet and Higher Education, Volume 15, Issue 4, October 2012
  2. Andrew Tolmie, James Boyle: Factors influencing the success of computer mediated communication (CMC) environments in university teaching: a review and case study // Computers & Education, Volume 34, Issue 2, 1 February 2000, Pages 119-140
  3. Birgit Oberer, Alptekin Erkollar: Social Media Integration in Higher Education. Cross-Course Google Plus Integration Shown in the Example of a Master's Degree Course in Management // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 47, 2012, Pages 1888-1893
  4. Jessamyn Marie O. Yazon, Jolie A. Mayer-Smith, Rosemary J. Redfield: Does the medium change the message? The impact of a web-based genetics course on university students' perspectives on learning and teaching // Computers & Education, Volume 38, Issues 1–3, January–April 2002, Pages 267-285
  5. Marina Papastergiou, Vassilis Gerodimos, Panagiotis Antoniou: Multimedia blogging in physical education: Effects on student knowledge and ICT self-efficacy // Computers & Education, Volume 57, Issue 3, November 2011, Pages 1998-2010
  6. Velda McCune, Noel Entwistle: Cultivating the disposition to understand in 21st century university education // Learning and Individual Differences, Volume 21, Issue 3, June 2011, Pages 303-310

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