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Sučelja za pretraživanje informacija: pretraživanje vs. prebiranje, primjeri i usporedba



  1. Chowdhury, Gobinda G.: Introduction to modern information retrieval. London : Facet Publishing, 2004 - sign. 02 /CHO/ i BDI
  2. Bradley, Phil: The advanced internet searcher's handbook. London : Facet Publishing, 2004 - sign. 004 /BRA/ a

ScienceDirect (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Ling-Ling Wu, Ya-Lan Chuang, Yuh-Jzer Joung: Contextual multi-dimensional browsing // Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 24, Issue 6, 17 September 2008, Pages 2873-2888
  2. P. Jason Morrison: Tagging and searching: Search retrieval effectiveness of folksonomies on the World Wide Web // Information Processing & Management, Volume 44, Issue 4, July 2008, Pages 1562-1579
  3. Andrew Thatcher: Web search strategies: The influence of Web experience and task type // Information Processing & Management, Volume 44, Issue 3, May 2008, Pages 1308-1329
  4. Iris Xie, Soohyung Joo: Factors affecting the selection of search tactics: Tasks, knowledge, process, and systems, // Information Processing & Management, Volume 48, Issue 2, March 2012, Pages 254-270
  5. Wang et al., P. Wang, W.B. Hawk, C. Tenopir : User’s interaction with World Wide Web resources: An exploratory study using a holistic approach // Information Processing & Management, 36 (2) (2000), pp. 229–251

Google Scolar:

  1. Hsinchun Chen, Andrea L. Houston, Robin R. Sewell, Bruce R. Schatz: Internet Browsing and Searching: User Evaluations of Category Map and Concept Space Techniques // JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE. 49(7):582–603, 1998
  2. David Bodoff: Relevance for Browsing, Relevance for Searching // JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 57(1):69–86, 2006

Izvori na internetu (10.01.2013.):

  1. Measuring Usability: Search vs. Browse on Websites

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