Pitanje br. 5405

Biološki i sociološki faktori za (ne)posvajanje djece od strane homoseksulanih parova



  1. Jakovac-Lozić, Dijana: Međunarodno posvojenje : (obiteljskopravni aspekt). Split : Pravni fakultet, 2006 - sign. 347.6(075.8) /JAK/ m OP

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Dubravka Hrabar: Posvojenje na razmeđi interesa posvojitelja i posvojenika // Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu. - 58 (2008), 5

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARnet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Bradley R. MAKING A MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLEHILL: A LAW AND ECONOMICS DEFENSE OF SAME-SEX FOSTER CARE ADOPTIONS. Family Court Review [serial online]. January 2007;45(1):133-148
  2. Patterson E. Homosexual Rights and the Placement of Children. Policy & Practice (19426828) [serial online]. March 2004;62(1):28.
  3. Brooks D, Goldberg S. Gay and Lesbian Adoptive and Foster Care Placements: Can They Meet the Needs of Waiting Children?. Social Work [serial online]. April 1, 2001;46(2):147-57.
  4. Kennedy R, Yuen F. Chapter 9: Lesbian and Gay Families: The Changing and Unsteady Legal and Social Environment. Social Work Practice with Children & Families: A Family Health Approach [e-book]. Haworth Press, Inc.; 2005:165-182.
  5. Lobaugh E, Clements P, Averill J, Olguin D. Gay-Male Couples Who Adopt: Challenging Historical and Contemporary Social Trends Toward Becoming a Family. Perspectives In Psychiatric Care [serial online]. August 2006;42(3):184-195.
  6. Shelley-Sireci L. Becoming Lesbian Adoptive Parents: An Exploratory Study of Lesbian Adoptive, Lesbian Birth, and Heterosexual Adoptive Parents. Adoption Quarterly [serial online]. September 2002;6(1):33
  7. Dethloff N. Same-Sex Parents in a Comparative Perspective. International Law FORUM Du Droit International [serial online]. September 2005;7(3):195-205

ScienceDirect (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARnet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Victoria Clarke: What about the children? arguments against lesbian and gay parenting // Women's Studies International Forum, Volume 24, Issue 5, September–October 2001, Pages 555-570
  2. Susan Golombok: Unusual families // Reproductive BioMedicine Online, Volume 10, Supplement 1, 2005, Pages 9-12

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17 Etika

Homoseksualnost -- Psihosocijalni aspekti, Homoseksualnost -- Sociološko gledište