Pitanje br. 5735
Mogućnosti uporabe društvenih mreža u informacijsko-referalnim službama


  1. Bradley, Phil: How to use Web 2.0 in your library. London : Facet Publishing, 2008 - sign. 025 /BRA/ h

  2. Bradley, Phil: The advanced internet searcher's handbook. London : Facet Publishing, 2004 - sign. 004 /BRA/ a

  3. Vrana, Radovan: Web 2.0 i njegov utjecaj na razvoj mrežnih mjesta knjižnica // 11. seminar Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji: mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske strukture, [Poreč, 21.-23. studenoga 2007.] : zbornik radova. Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2008 ; str. 50-64 - sign. 02 /SEM/ j

  4. Pažur Vojvodić, Ivana: Hrvatske knjižnice na društvenoj mreži Facebook // 13. seminar Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji: mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske strukture, [Rovinj, 25.-27. studenoga 2009.] : zbornik radova. Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2010 ; str. 260-277

Članci u časopisima:

  1. B. Šalamon-Cindori: Trebaju li knjižnicama društvene mreže: iskustvo Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu // Kemija u industriji. - 60 (2011), 11

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Gilson T. Reference Services TODAY And TOMORROW. Searcher [serial online]. September 2011;19(7):32.

  2. Albanese A. GOOGLE IS NOT THE NET. Library Journal [serial online]. September 15, 2006;131(15):32.

  3. Helgren J. U.S. Public Libraries and Web Technologies: What's Happening Now?. Computers In Libraries [serial online]. September 2011;31(7):12.

  4. Evans B. Your Space or MySpace?. Library Journal [serial online]. October 16, 2006;131:8-12.

  5. The Business of Social Media: How to Plunder the Treasure Trove. Reference & User Services Quarterly [serial online]. Winter2011 2011;51(2):127-132.

ScienceDirect (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Nancy Kim Phillips, Academic Library Use of Facebook: Building Relationships with Students, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Volume 37, Issue 6, December 2011, Pages 512-522

  2. Amanda Click, Joan Petit, Social networking and Web 2.0 in information literacy, The International Information & Library Review, Volume 42, Issue 2, June 2010, Pages 137-142

Izvori na internetu (21.03.2013.):

  1. Jack M. Maness : Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries // Webology, Volume 3, Number 2, June, 2006

  2. Michael E. Casey and Laura C. Savastinuk: Library 2.0 : Service for the next-generation library. // Library Journal, 9/1/2006

  3. Libraries as a social space: enhancing the experience of distance learners using social software / Dr Jane Secker and Gwyneth Price - PPT

  4. Boyer, J. - J. Ryan: Considering Facebook in the Library - PPT

  5. Librarians, Libraries And Facebook - PPT

  6. Mark Notess : Libraries in Facebook and Second Life.

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Društvene mreže, Knjižnice -- Informacijsko-referentna služba