Pitanje br. 5969

Zelena ekonomija



  1. Tišma, Sanja; Funduk, Marina: Hrvatska budućnost - Europska zelena paradigma // Hrvatska u Europskoj uniji: kako dalje? / urednici Vlado Puljiz, Slaven Ravlić, Velimir Visković. Zagreb : Centar za demokraciju i pravo "Miko Tripalo", 2012 - sign. 327.3 /HRV/ OP

Izvori na internetu (15.04.2013.):

  1. Duić, Neven; Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Ćosić, Boris; Novosel, Tomislav; Ridjan, Iva: Iskorištavanje obnovljivih izvora energije, energetska učinkovitost i smanjenje emisija stakleničkih plinova kao pokretač razvoja “zelene ekonomije” u Hrvatskoj do 2050. // Smanjenje emisija CO2 za 80% do 2050. godine - realnost ili utopija. Zagreb : Hrvatsko energetsko društvo, 2012. ; str. 39-40

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. BABONEA, A., & JOIA, R. (2012). Transition to a green economy - a challenge and a solution for the world economy in multiple crisis context. Theoretical & Applied Economics, 19(10), 105-114.
  2. Gupta, J., & Sanchez, N. (2012). Global Green Governance: Embedding the Green Economy in a Global Green and Equitable Rule of Law Polity. Review Of European Community & International Environmental Law, 21(1), 12-22.
  3. Wackerbauer, J. (2012). ≫Green Economy≪ - Faktum oder Fiktion? (German). Ifo Schnelldienst, 65(22), 31-34.
  4. Zaharia, C., Tudorescu, N., & Zaharia, I. (2011). THE GROWTH OF THE GREEN ECONOMY. Economics, Management & Financial Markets, 6(3), 203-208.
  5. Halle, M. (2011). Accountability in the Green Economy. Review Of Policy Research, 28(5), 473-477.
  6. Bigg, T. (2011). Development Governance and the Green Economy: A Matter of Life and Death?. Review Of Policy Research, 28(5), 459-465.
  7. Wapner, P. (2011). Civil Society and the Emergent Green Economy. Review Of Policy Research, 28(5), 525-530.
  8. Meléndez-Ortiz, R. (2011). Governance of International Trade for the Green Economy. Review Of Policy Research, 28(5), 479-486.

ScienceDirect (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Oana Pop, George Christopher Dina, Catalin Martin: Promoting the corporate social responsibility for a green economy and innovative jobs // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 15, 2011, Pages 1020-1023
  2. David Carfì, Daniele Schilirò: A coopetitive model for the green economy // Economic Modelling, Volume 29, Issue 4, July 2012, Pages 1215-1219
  3. Tim Jackson, Peter Victor: Productivity and work in the ‘green economy’: Some theoretical reflections and empirical tests // Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2011, Pages 101-108
  4. Peter A. Victor, TIm Jackson: A Commentary on UNEP's Green Economy Scenarios // Ecological Economics, Volume 77, May 2012, Pages 11-15
  5. Nicolas Kosoy, Peter G Brown, Klaus Bosselmann, Anantha Duraiappah, Brendan Mackey, Joan Martinez-Alier, Deborah Rogers, Robert Thomson: Pillars for a flourishing Earth: planetary boundaries, economic growth delusion and green economy // Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2012, Pages 74-79

UN izvori na internetu (16.04.2013.):

  1. A guidebook to the Green Economy // Division for Sustainable Development, UNDESA. 2012.
  2. Defining the Green Economy: A Primer on Green Economic Development. Barkeley : Center for Community Innovation, 2008
  3. Adapting for a Green Economy : Companies, Communities and Climate Change : a Caring for Climate Report
  4. Monika Dittrich, Stefan Giljum, Stephan Lutter, Christine Polzin: Green economies around the world ? : implications of resource use for development and the environment. Vienna. 2012.

Google Books:

  1. Molly Scott Cato: Green economics : an introduction to theory, policy and practice. London ; Sterling, VA : Earthscan, 2009.
  2. Blueprint for a green economy a report / David Pearce; Anil Markandya; Edward Barbier. London Earthscan Publ. 1997
  3. Brian Milani: Designing the green economy : the postindustrial alternative to corporate globalization. Lanham [u.a.] : Rowman & Littlefield, 2000.

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