Pitanje br. 6173

Librarian's index to the internet



  1. Bradley, Phil: The advanced internet searcher's handbook. London : Facet Publishing, 2004 - sign. 004 /BRA/ a BDI

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Oder, N. (1998). Cataloging the Net: Can We Do It? (cover story). Library Journal, 123(16), 47.
  2. Steven W Sowards: A Typology for Ready Reference Web Sites in Libraries and What It Can Tell // First Monday. Volume 3, Number 5 - 4 May 1998

Izvori na internetu (07.05.2013.):

  1. Librarians' Internet Index Moves to Internet Public Library
  2. ipl2 - Librarian's index to the internet
  3. ipl2 - Sitemap
  4. EServer Reference: Librarians' Index to the Internet

UDK pojmovi: 
025.4 Klasifikacija i indeksiranje

Knjižnice -- Internet -- Primjena, Knjižnična klasifikacija -- Temeljni pojmovi