Pitanje br. 6699
Medicinska marihuana


  1. Grinspoon, Lester: Marihuana, zabranjeni lijek. Zagreb : Sara 93, 1997 - sign. 615.8 /GRI/ m

  2. Farmakologija / [H. P. Rang... [et al.]. Zagreb : Golden marketing-Tehnička knjiga, 2006 - sign. 615(075.8) /FAR/

  3. Barry, Carolyn: Marihuana / Carolyn Barry & Paul Dennis. Zagreb : Celeber, 2004 - sign. 613.8 /BAR/ m

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Gazdek, Davorka. Marihuana u medicinske svrhe-javnozdravstveni aspekt. // Liječnički vjesnik. 136 (2014), 7-8 ; str. 192-199

  2. Ana Tomašić Paić. Svojstva kanabinoidnih receptora ljekovite biljke Canabis sativa. // Medicinski vjesnik. 44 (2012), 1-4 ; str. 147-162

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Fogarty, A., Rawstorne, P., Prestage, G., Crawford, J., Grierson, J., & Kippax, S. (2007). Marijuana as therapy for people living with HIV/AIDS: social and health aspects. AIDS Care, 19(2), 295-301.

  2. Margolis, R., & Popkin, N. (1980). Marijuana: A Review of Medical Research With Implications for Adolescents. Personnel & Guidance Journal, 59(1), 7.

  3. Seamon, M., Fass, J., Maniscalco-Feichtl, M., & Abu-Shraie, N. (2007). Clinical review. Medical marijuana and the developing role of the pharmacist. American Journal Of Health-System Pharmacy, 64(10), 1037-1044.

  4. Seamon, M. J., Fass, J. A., Maria, M., & Abu-Shraie, N. A. (2007). Medical marijuana and the developing role of the pharmacist. American Journal Of Health-System Pharmacy, 64(10), 1037-1044.

Google Scolar:

  1. Green K. Marijuana Smoking vs Cannabinoids for Glaucoma Therapy. Arch Ophthalmol. 1998;116(11):1433-1437. doi:10.1001/archopht.116.11.1433.

  2. de Jong, Bouke C, Prentiss, Diane, McFarland, Willi, Machekano, Rhoderick, Israelski, Dennis: Marijuana Use and Its Association With Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Among HIV-Infected Persons With Moderate to Severe Nausea // JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. - Volume 38 - Issue 1 - pp 43-46

  3. J B Marmor: Medical marijuana. // West J Med. 1998 June; 168(6): 540–543.

  4. C. H. Ashton, P. B. Moore, P. Gallagher, A. H. Young: Cannabinoids in bipolar affective disorder: a review and discussion of their therapeutic potential // J Psychopharmacol May 2005 vol. 19 no. 3 293-300

DABAR. Repozitorij Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Osijeku:

  1. Ivana Keller. Ljekovita svojstva tri podvrste biljaka roda Cannabis : diplomski rad. Osijek : Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2015 - https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:151:506339

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615 Farmakologija. Terapeutika. Toksikologija

Kanabis -- Medicinska uporaba