Pitanje br. 700
Web 2.0 u funkciji oglašavanja


  1. Kalakota, Ravi - Marcia Robinson: e-Poslovanje 2.0 : vodič ka uspjehu. Zagreb : Mate, 2002

  2. Panian, Željko: Izazovi elektroničkog poslovanja. Zagreb : Narodne novine, 2002

  3. Liautaud, Bernard: e-Poslovna inteligencija : kako informacije pretvoriti u znanje, a znanje u profit. Varaždin : Prudens consilium, 2006

  4. Ružić, Drago: E-marketing. Osijek : Ekonomski fakultet, 2009

EBSCO host:

  1. The Tribal Experience. // CRM Magazine, May2010, Vol. 14 Issue 5, p29-36

  2. Patel, Kunur: You're using social media. But just who is overseeing it all? // Advertising Age, 00018899, 3/22/2010, sv. 81, br. 8

Google Scolar:

  1. O'Reilly, Tim: What Is Web 2.0 : Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software

  2. Riegner, C.: Word of Mouth on the Web: The impact of web 2.0 on consumer purchase decisions. // Journal of Advertising Research, 2007

  3. Jean-Samuel BEUSCART & Kevin MELLET: Business Models of the Web 2.0: Advertising or the Tale of Two Stories // COMMUNICATIONS & STRATEGIES, Special issue, Nov. 2008, p. 165-181

  4. Nakamura, Atsuyoshi: Improvements in Practical Aspects of Optimally Scheduling Web Advertising // 11th international conference on World Wide Web, 2002

  5. Xian-Sheng Hua, Tao Mei, Shipeng Li: When Multimedia Advertising Meets the New Internet Era // Interactive Advertising, 2007

  6. Evans, David S.: The Economics of the Online Advertising Industry // Review of Network Economics Vol.7, Issue 3 – September 2008; 359 - 391

  7. Adam Arvidsson: Creative Class or Administrative Class? On Advertising and the ‘Underground’ Adam // Ephemera : theory & politics in organization volume 7(1) 2007; 8-23

  8. Terry Daugherty, Matthew S. Eastin, Laura Bright : Exploring Consumer Motivations for Creating User-Generated Content // Journal of Interactive Advertising Vol 8 No 2 Spring 2008; 16-25

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Marketing, 339 Trgovina. Međunarodna ekonomija
