Pitanje br. 7004

Bahtinova teorija romana



  1. Bahtin, Mihail Mihajlovič: O romanu. Beograd : Nolit, 1989 - sign. 82.01 /BAH/ o
  2. Lachmann, Renate: Phantasia, memoria, rhetorica. Zagreb : Matica hrvatska, 2002 - sign. 82.01 /LAC/ p

Elektronička građa:

  1. Bakhtin, M. M. // The Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural Theory. Vol. 1 - Literary Theory from 1900 to 1966. Willey_Blackwell, 2011.

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Lozanović, Goranka: Roman i dijalogičnost u Bahtina // Umjetnost riječi. - 37 (1993), 3/4 ; str. 211-222
  2. Beker, Miroslav: Zapadnoeuropski formalizam : Bahtin i Eliot // Forum. - 34 (1995), knj. 67, 5/6 ; str. 468-478
  3. Šesnić, Jelena: Fikcionalni autoritet ili fikcija autoriteta?. // Književna smotra. (1998) , 110 (4)
  4. Roberts, Mathew: Poetika hermeneutika dijaloga : Bahtin i Paul De Man // Quorum. - 6 (1990), 1(29) ; str. 193-208

EBSCO (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Patterson, D. (1985). Mikhail Bakhtin and the Dialogical Dimensions of the Novel. Journal Of Aesthetics & Art Criticism, 44(2), 131.
  2. Biti, V. (2011). The Self, the Novel and History. On the Limits of Bakhtin's Historical Poetics. Orbis Litterarum, 66(4), 255-279. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0730.2011.01018.x
  3. DiMaggio, K. (2009). "Dialogic" as Diversity: Considering Bakhtin's Theory of the Novel as Template for a Multi-cultural Curriculum in a Literature or Language Arts Classroom. International Journal Of Diversity In Organisations, Communities & Nations, 9(1), 101-107.

Google Books:

  1. Ken Hirschkop: Bakhtin and cultural theory. Manchester [u.a.] : Manchester Univ. Press, 2001.

Iz drugih knjižnica:

Knjižnica Filozofskog fakulteta Osijek

  1. Bahtin i drugi / zbornik priredio Vladimir Biti. Zagreb : Naklada MD, 1992.
  2. Bahtin, Mihail Mihajlovič: Problemi poetike Dostojevskog. Beograd : Nolit, 1967

Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica Zagreb:

  1. Clark, Katerina: Mikhail Bakhtin / Katerina Clark, Michael Holquist. Cambridge, Mass. ; London : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, cop. 1984.

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Teorija književnosti

Bahtin, Mihail Mihajlovič, Roman -- Teorija