Pitanje br. 7114

Prikazivanje žena u medijima (na primjeru princeze Diane ili Marilyn Monroe)


Pogledajte i odgovor pod brojem:

2777 - Položaj žene u medijima


  1. Graham, Tim: Diana : kraljica srca. Zagreb : Mozaik knjiga, 1997 - sign. 929 /GRA/ d
  2. Donnelley, Paul: Marilyn Monroe. Zagreb : Profil International, 2004 - sign. 791.44.07 /DON/ m

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Baković, Ivica: TransDiana ili teatralizacija popularne ikone u drami "John Smith, princeza od Walesa" Tomislava Zajeca. // Filološke studije. - 10 (2012), 2 ; str. 187-200
  2. Gračanin, Hrvoje: Marilyn Monroe. // Meridijani. -  (2011), 156 ; str. 80-87

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Wober, J. (2000). A Feeding Frenzy, or Feeling Friendsy? Events After the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales. Journal Of Popular Culture, 34(1), 127-134.
  2. Frazer, E. (2000). 'Probably the most public occasion the world has ever known: 'public' and 'private' in press coverage of the death and funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales. Journal Of Political Ideologies, 5(2), 201.
  3. James Thomas: From people power to mass hysteria: Media and popular reactions to the death of Princess Diana // International Journal of Cultural Studies. 2008; 11; 362
  4. FLANAGAN, C. (2013). INVENTING MARILYN. Atlantic Monthly (10727825), 311(2), 92.
  5. Rudnick, P. (1999). Marilyn Monroe. Time International (Canada Edition), 153(23), 82.
  6. Hubert, S. J. (1999). Two Women, Two Songs: The Subversive Iconography of `Candle in the Wind.'. NWSA Journal, 11(2), 124.
  7. CHAUDHRY, L. (2007). The Diana/Whore Complex. Nation, 285(6), 22-25.

UDK pojmovi: 
316 Sociologija

Žene -- Masovni mediji, Medijska kultura