Pitanje br. 7717
Prodavaonica kao "brand" - Brand store


  1. Vranešević, Tihomir: Upravljanje markama = (Brand management). Zagreb : Accent, 2007. - sign. 658 /VRA/ u

  2. Pavlek, Zvonko: Branding : kako izgraditi najbolju marku. Zagreb : M.E.P. Consult, 2008. - sign. 659 /PAV/ b

  3. Olins, Wally: Brendovi : marke u suvremenom svijetu. Zagreb : Golden marketing - Tehnička knjiga, 2008. - sign. 658 /OLI/ b

  4. Segetlija, Zdenko: Maloprodaja u Republici Hrvatskoj = Retailing in the Republic of Croatia. Osijek : Ekonomski fakultet = Faculty of Economics in Osijek, 2009. - sign. 339.3(075.8) /SEG/ m

  5. Segetlija, Zdenko: Marketing i distributivna trgovina. Osijek : Ekonomski fakultet, 2010. - sign. 339.3(075.8) /SEG/ m

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Vignali, Claudio; Vignali, Gianpaolo; Pavičić, Jurica: The contribution of own label products to a supermarket brand in the UK // Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues. - 11 (2006), 1

  2. Mihić, Mirela; Jurić, Monika; Anić, Ivan-Damir: Kupovna orijentacija žena na tržištu odjeće // Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika. - 20 (2010), 123

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Martos-Partal, Mercedes, and Óscar González-Benito. "Store brand and store loyalty: The moderating role of store brand positioning." Marketing Letters 22, no. 3 (September 2011): 297-313. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed March 26, 2014).

  2. Masato, Kotani, and Sumita Ushio. "Structural Analysis of "National Brand vs. Store Brand" with Stochastic Demands." International Journal Of Business & Information 8, no. 1 (June 2013): 1-33. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed March 26, 2014).

  3. Erdem, Tülin, Zhao Ying, and Ana Valenzuela. "Performance of Store Brands: A Cross-Country Analysis of Consumer Store-Brand Preferences, Perceptions, and Risk." Journal Of Marketing Research (JMR) 41, no. 1 (February 2004): 86-100. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed March 26, 2014).

  4. Salnikova, Ekaterina, John L. Stanton, and Neal H. Hooker. "Brand Battles: Are Store Brands Acting more like National Brands?." International Journal Of Management Cases 15, no. 4 (December 2013): 354-365. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed March 26, 2014).

  5. Liljander, Veronica, Pia Polsa, and Allard van Riel. "Modelling consumer responses to an apparel store brand: Store image as a risk reducer." Journal Of Retailing & Consumer Services 16, no. 4 (July 2009): 281-290. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed March 26, 2014).

Google Books:

  1. Ko Floor: Branding a store : how to build successful retail brands in a changing marketplace. London [u.a.] : Kogan Page, 2006.

  2. Martin M Pegler: Store presentation & design no. 2 : branding the store. New York : Visual Reference, 2007.

Google Scolar:

  1. Robert V. Kozinetsa, John F. Sherrya, Benet DeBerry-Spencea, Adam Duhacheka,

    Krittinee Nuttavuthisita, Diana Stormb: Themed flagship brand stores in the new millennium: theory, practice, prospects. Journal of Retailing 78 (2002) 17–29

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658 Poslovno upravljanje (menadžment), 339 Trgovina. Međunarodna ekonomija

Marke proizvoda -- Marketing