Pitanje br. 8112
Pametne ploče


  1. Skendžić, Aleksandar; Kovačić, Božidar: Interaktivna ploča i aplikacija Sketchpad 4.07 HR - interaktivnost u nastavnom procesu // 4. Radionica znanstvenog programa "Napredne mreže i usluge za informacijsko društvo" 24. studenog 2011. ETFOS. Zagreb : FER, Zagreb, 2011

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Mechling, Linda C., David L. Gast, and Kristin Krupa. "Impact of SMART Board Technology: An Investigation of Sight Word Reading and Observational Learning." Journal Of Autism & Developmental Disorders 37, no. 10 (October 15, 2007): 1869-1882. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed May 27, 2014).

  2. Starkman, Neal. "The Wonders of Interactive WHITEBOARDS." T H E Journal 33, no. 10 (May 2006): 36-38. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed May 27, 2014).

ScienceDirect (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Fatih Gursul, Gulsah Bilgic Tozmaz, Which one is smarter? Teacher or Board, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 5731-5737, ISSN 1877-0428, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.936.

  2. Ozgen Korkmaz, Ismail Cakil, Teachers’ Difficulties about Using Smart Boards, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 83, 4 July 2013, Pages 595-599, ISSN 1877-0428, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.06.113.

  3. Sibel Somyürek, Bilal Atasoy, Selçuk Özdemir: Board’s IQ: What makes a board smart? Computers & Education, Volume 53, Issue 2, September 2009, Pages 368–374


  1. Interaktivna ploca za interaktivno ucenje.pdf


  1. F Gérard, M Greene, J Widener: Using SMART Board in Foreign Language Classes. - 1999 - ERIC

Google Patents:

  1. US 6963334 B1: Smart collaborative whiteboard integrated with telephone or IP network

Izvori na internetu (27.5.2014.):

  1. Gérard, F.; Widener, J.: A SMARTer Way to Teach Foreign Language: The SMART Board™ Interactive Whiteboard as a Language Learning Tool. URL: http://downloads01.smarttech.com/media/research/international_research/usa/sbforeignlanguageclass.pdf

  2. The Educational Effects and Implications of the Interactive Whiteboard Strategy of Richardson Primary School : a Brief Review. URL: http://www.richardsonps.act.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/83117/RichardsonReview_Grey.pdf

  3. The Whiteboard blog : supporting technology in the classroom : guides. URL: http://www.whiteboardblog.co.uk/guides/

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