Pitanje br. 8137
Ciljevi i doprinos molekularnog oplemenjivanja krmnih kultura


  1. Pejić, Ivan; Kereša, Snježana; Šimić, Domagoj; Buhiniček, Ivica: Primjena biotehnologije u oplemenjivanju bilja u Hrvatskoj // Oplemenjivanje poljoprivrednog bilja u Hrvatskoj. Zagreb : Agronomski fakultet, 2012 - sign. 631(075.8) /OPL/    OP

  2. Parlov, Dragomir; Kozić, Zdravko; Vragolović, Antun; Tomasović, Slobodan; Mlinar, Rade; Halagić, Stevo; Palaveršić, Branko; Buhiniček, Ivica; Ikić, Ivica; Puškarić, Kristijan; Jukić, Mirko: Doprinos i perspektive domaćeg oplemenjivanja ratarskih kultura u poljoprivredi Hrvatske // Zbornik radova = Proceedings / 41. hrvatski i 1. međunarodni znanstveni simpozij agronoma, Opatija, 13.-17. veljače 2006. = 41st Croatian and 1st International Symposium on Agriculture. Osijek : Poljoprivredni fakultet = Faculty od Agriculture, 2006. - sign. 631 /HRV/ z   ZZ

  3. Martinčić, Julijo: Oplemenjivanje bilja : teorija i metode : ratarske kulture. Zagreb : Agronomski fakultet ; Osijek : Poljoprivredni fakultet, 1996. - sign. 631 /MAR/ o

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Wenzel, Gerhard. "Molecular plant breeding: achievements in green biotechnology and future perspectives." Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 70, no. 6 (May 15, 2006): 642-650. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed May 29, 2014).

  2. Huaan, Yang, et al. "Application of next-generation sequencing for rapid marker development in molecular plant breeding: a case study on anthracnose disease resistance in Lupinus angustifolius L." BMC Genomics 13, no. 1 (January 2012): 318-329. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed May 29, 2014).

Google Scolar:

  1. Stephen P. Moose and Rita H. Mumm: Molecular Plant Breeding as the Foundation for 21st Century Crop Improvement. Plant Physiology July 2008 vol. 147 no. 3 969-977

  2. G. Spangenberg, R. Kalla, A. Lidgett, T. Sawbridge, E.K. Ong and U. John: Transgenesis and Genomics in Molecular Breeding of Forage Plants. Australian Agronomy Conference

    2001 10th AAC. Plenary Papers: Biotechnology, Food and Agronomy

Google Books:

  1. Mervyn O Humphreys: Molecular breeding for the genetic improvement of forage crops and turf : proceedings of the 4th international symposium on the molecular breeding of forage and turf, a satellite workshop of the XXth International Grassland Congress, July 2005, Aberystwyth, Wales. Wageningen : Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2005.

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Oplemenjivanje bilja -- Znanstvena iskustva