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Harry Potter i Kamen mudraca, J. K. Rowling: komparativna analiza prijevoda čarobnjačkih pojmova s engleskog na hrvatski i njemački jezik

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy):

  1. Anne-Lise Feral: The Translator’s ‘Magic’ Wand: Harry Potter’s Journey from English into French / Meta: Translators' Journal, vol. 51, n° 3, 2006, p. 459-481.

  2. Capell, Kerry. "HARRY POTTER & THE TRANSLATORS' TOIL." Businessweek no. 3762 (December 17, 2001): 10. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed September 5, 2014).

Google Scolar:

  1. Katri Mäkinen: HARRY POTTER AND THE CHALLENGES OF TRANSLATION : Treatment of personal names in the Finnish and German translations of the three first Harry Potter books by J. K. Rowling : Master’s thesis. University of Jyväskylä, 2010.

  2. SPECIFIC PROBLEMS OF TRANSLATION IN THE HARRY POTTER SERIES. Translation Studies: Retrospective and Prospective Views. 2011, Year IV, Issue 12

  3. Carmen Valero Garcés: Translating the imaginary world in the Harry Potter series or how Muggles, Quaffles, Snitches, and Nickles travel to other cultures. Quaderns. Revista de traducció 9, 2003, 121-134

  4. Steven Goldstein: Translating Harry. Feature. february 2005

  5. Verena Platzgummer: The Magic of Translation Harry Potter’s Journey from English into German, Italian and French


  1. Eaton, Sarah Elaine. Harry Potter in Translation: Making Language Learning Magical. n.p.: Online Submission, 2012. ERIC, EBSCOhost (accessed September 5, 2014).

UDK pojmovi: 
80 Jezikoslovlje, Engleska književnost

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