Pitanje br. 8418
Prikaz rasa u medijima


  1. Rasizam // Rječnik sociologije / Nicholas Abercrombie, Stephen Hill, Bryan S. Turner. Zagreb : Naklada Jesenski i Turk, 2008 - sign. 316(038) /ABE/ r

  2. Race ; racism // The social science encyclopedia. London ; New York : Routledge, 2003 - sign. 316(03) /SOC/

  3. Snowden, Frank M.: Before color prejudice : the ancient view of Blacks. Cambridge ; London : Harvard University Press, 1997 - sign. 316 /SNO/ b    AC

  4. Price, Stuart: Izučavanje medija. Beograd : Clio, [2011] - sign. 316.7 /PRI/ i

  5. Kunczik, Michael: Uvod u znanost o medijima i komunikologiju. Zagreb : Zaklada Friedrich Ebert, 2006 - sign. 316.7 /KUN/ u


  1. European Commission: Racism, xenophobia and the media : towards respect and understanding of all religions and cultures : an EU seminar in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, Vienna, 22-23 May, 2006 : [conference report & documentation]. Budapest : Elanders Ungary, 2006.

Google Books:

  1. Catherine Silk; John Silk: Racism and anti-racism in American popular culture : portrayals of African-Americans in fiction and film. Manchester ; New York : Manchester University Press ; New York, NY, USA : Distributed exclusively in the USA and Canada by St. Martin's Press, ©1990.

  2. Race and racialization : essential readings / Tania Das Gupta; et al. Toronto : Canadian Scholars' Press, 2007.

Izvori na internetu (8.9.2014.):

  1. Danielle Dirks: Racism and Popular Culture

  2. Stuart Fischoff, Ph.D., Ana Franco, Elaine Gram, Angela Hernendez, and James Parker: Offensive Ethnic Clichés in Movies: Drugs, Sex, and Servility.

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070 Novine. Novinarstvo, 316 Sociologija

Medijske slobode, Rasizam