Pitanje br. 8840
Innovations in Croatia : strategies, financing


  1. Entrepreneurship and innovation / editors Marina Dabic & Vojko Potocan. Zagreb : Faculty of Economics and Business ; Maribor : Faculty of Economics and Business, 2012 - sign. 65.01 /ENT/    OP

  2. Research and development policies in the Southeast European countries in transition : Republic of Croatia / authors Gvozden Flego... [et al.]. Zagreb : Institute for International Relations - IMO, 2002 - sign. 001 /RES/   OP

Papers in periodicals:

  1. Bartlett, Will; Čučković, Nevenka: Knowledge Transfer, Institutions and Innovation in Croatia and Slovenia. // Društvena istraživanja. 15 (2006), 83 ; str. 371-399

  2. Radas, Sonja: Innovation development in leading Croatian enterprises : review of the most important findings // Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika. - 14 (2004), 100 ; str. 30-57

  3. Radas, Sonja, Maja Vehovec. Industry-science collaboration in Croatia : academics’ view // Društvena istraživanja (Zagreb). - 15 (2006), 3(83) ; str. 345-369

  4. M. Ivanović, T. Keser, D. Blažević. Capitalization of knowledge - innovation processes in transitional countries. // Tehnički vjesnik 18, 1(2011) , 15-22

Internet (5.12.2014.):

  1. WBC-INCO.NET: Innovation Infrastructures: Croatia : final version : Date: 22 July 2011.

  2. Ministery of Science, Education and Sports (MSES): Action Plan “Science and Society”

  3. MSES: Croatian Research and Innovation Infrastructures Roadmap

  4. Zoran Aralica and Katarina Bačić: Evaluation of Croatian innovation capability // CROATIAN ACCESSION TO THE EUROPEAN UNION : Facing the Challenges of Negotiations. Zagreb : Institute of Public Finance ; Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2005.

  5. National Innovation System in Croatia / Hrvoje Meštrić, Ph.D., Executive Director of Business Innovation Croatian Agency, BICRO - PPT

  6. Zoran Aralica and Denis Redžepagić. Croatian national innovation system - SWOT analysis. Innovation Policy Learning from Norway in Western Balkans (WBinNO). Sarajevo, 2012.  -  PPT

European Commission Online:

  1. European Commission. Research and Innovation performance in EU Member States and Associated countries : Innovation Union progress at country level. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2013

  2. ERAWATCH Country Reports 2013: Croatia. / Jadranka Švarc and Domagoj Račić. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2014

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Inovacije -- Hrvatska