Pitanje br. 9060
Prirodne droge


  1. Pinel, John P. J.: Biološka psihologija. Jastrebarsko : Naklada Slap, 2002.

  2. Farmakologija / [H. P. Rang... [et al.] Zagreb : Golden marketing-Tehnička knjiga, 2006.

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  5. Stanković, Dragomir: Opšta patološka fiziologija. Sarajevo : Svjetlost, 1985.

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Nazor, Mirjan: Neke razlike u ponašanju i stavovima između apstinenata, konzumenata lakih i konzumenata teških droga // Školski vjesnik. - 55 (2006), 3/4 ; str. 277-288.

  2. Milin, Vesna: Oficinalne i neoficinalne polisaharidne droge : (droge sa sluzima) // Farmaceutski glasnik. - 59 (2003), 2 ; str. 57-67.

  3. Zorc, Branka: Nikotin i pušenje // Farmaceutski glasnik. - 54 (1998), 10 ; str. 327-334.

  4. Sorić, Maroje: Utjecaj kofeina na tjelesnu aktivnost // Hrvatski športskomedicinski vjesnik. - 20 (2005), 2 ; str. 98-112.

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - Proxy): 

  1. Ayala, María Elena: Brain Serotonin, Psychoactive Drugs, and Effects on Reproduction. // Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, Dec2009, Vol. 9 Issue 4, p258-276

  2. Qazi, S.; Caberlin, M.; Nigam, N.: Mechanism of Psychoactive Drug Action in the Brain: Simulation Modeling of GABAA Receptor Interactions at Non-Equilibrium Conditions. // Current Pharmaceutical Design, May2007, Vol. 13 Issue 14, p1437-1455

  3. Nencini, Paolo; Grant, Kathleen A.: Psychobiology of Drug-Induced Religious Experience: From the Brain 'Locus of Religion' to Cognitive Unbinding. // Substance Use & Misuse, 2010, Vol. 45 Issue 13, p2130-2151

  4. Keltner, Norman L.; Coffeen, Heather; Johnson, Janna E.: Biological Perspectives. // Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, Jul-Sep2000, Vol. 36 Issue 3, p101

  5. Berridge, Marc S.; Apana, Scott M.; Nagano, Kenichi K.; Berridge, Catherine E.; Leisure, Gregory P.; Boswell, Mark V.: Smoking produces rapid rise of [11C]nicotine in human brain. // Psychopharmacology, May2010, Vol. 209 Issue 4, p383-394

  6. Toledano, Adolfo; Álvarez, María-Isabel; Toledano-Díaz, Adolfo: Diversity and Variability of the Effects of Nicotine on Different Cortical Regions of the Brain. // Therapeutic and Toxicological Implications. Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, Sep2010, Vol. 10 Issue 3, p180-206

  7. Tewari, Anshu; Hasan, Mahdi; Sahai, A.; Sharma, P. K.; Agarwal, A. K.: Nicotine mediated microcystic oedema in white matter of cerebellum: possible relationship to postural imbalance. // Annals of Neurosciences, Jan2011, Vol. 18 Issue 1, p14-16

  8. Ribeiro, Joaquim A.; Sebastião, Ana M. : Caffeine and Adenosine // Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2010 Supplement 1, Vol. 20, p3-15

  9. Pelligrino, Dale A.; Hao-Liang Xu; Vetri, Francesco: Caffeine and the Control of Cerebral Hemodynamics. // Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2010 Supplement 1, Vol. 20, p51-62

  10. Ligade, Pushpanjali C.; Jadhav, Kisan R.; Kadam, Vilasrao J.: Brain Drug Delivery System: An Overview. // Current Drug Therapy, May2010, Vol. 5 Issue 2, p105-110


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