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Utjecaj elektromagnetskog zračenja na rast biljaka

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - proxy):

  1. Bilalis, Dimitrios J., et al. "Pulsed electromagnetic field: an organic compatible method to promote plant growth and yield in two corn types." Electromagnetic Biology & Medicine 31, no. 4 (December 2012): 333-343. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed February 21, 2015).

  2. Stašelis, Alfredas, and Virginijus Stašelis. "The Effect of Electromagnetic Fields on Agricultural Plants." Proceedings Of The International Scientific Conference: Rural Development 5, no. 1 (December 2011): 442-447. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed February 21, 2015).

  3. Isaac Alemán, Elizabeth, et al. "Effects of EMFs on Some Biological Parameters in Coffee Plants (Coffea arabica L.) Obtained by in vitro Propagation." Polish Journal Of Environmental Studies 23, no. 1 (January 2014): 95-101. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed February 21, 2015).

  4. Cotovitchi, Raluca, Rodica Bercu, and Monica Axini. 2009. "THE EFFECTS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS ON PLANT GERMINATION AND GROWTH." Annals Of The Romanian Society For Cell Biology 14, no. 2: 279-283. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed February 21, 2015).

  5. Bilalis, Dimitrios, et al. "Pulsed electromagnetic fields effect in oregano rooting and vegetative propagation: A potential new organic method." Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica: Section B, Soil & Plant Science 62, no. 1 (January 2012): 94-99. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed February 21, 2015).

  6. Pietak, Alexis Mari. "Endogenous electromagnetic fields in plant leaves: a new hypothesis for vascular pattern formation." Electromagnetic Biology & Medicine 30, no. 2 (June 2011): 93-107. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed February 21, 2015).

  7. Asavasanti, Suvaluk, et al. "Permeabilization of Plant Tissues by Monopolar Pulsed Electric Fields: Effect of Frequency." Journal Of Food Science 76, no. 1 (January 2011): E98-E111. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed February 21, 2015).

  8. Roux, David, et al. "Electromagnetic fields (900 MHz) evoke consistent molecular responses in tomato plants." Physiologia Plantarum 128, no. 2 (October 2006): 283-288. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed February 21, 2015).

  9. Apasheva, L. M., A. V. Lobanov, and G. G. Komissarov. "Effect of alternating electromagnetic field on early stages of plant development." Doklady Biochemistry & Biophysics 406, no. 1 (January 2006): 1-3. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed February 21, 2015).


  1. Kanjski, Vilim: Radiobiologija : istraživački program "Biovilk". Rijeka : Tehnološki centar, 1996 - sign. 615.8 /KANJ/ r

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Potočnik, Vladimir: Biološka djelovanja elektromagnetskih polja : (elektrostres - elektrosmog) : (I.) // EGE. Energetika, gospodarstvo, ekologija, etika (Tisak). - 5 (1997), 3 ; str. 128-130

Iz drugih knjižnica:

Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica Zagreb

  1. Biological effects of electromagnetic fields : mechanisms, modeling, biological effects, therapeutic effects, international standards, exposure criteria : with 280 figures and 86 tables / Peter Stavroulakis (ed.). Berlin [etc.] : Springer, cop. 2003.

  2. Tkalec, Mirta: Učinci radiofrekvencijskog zračenja na biljke : doktorska disertacija ... Zagreb : M. Tkalec, 2005.

Google Scolar:

  1. Massimo E.Maffei: Magnetic field effects on plant growth, development and evolution. Frontiersin Plant Science : PlantPhysiology.  September 2014, Volume 5, Article 445

  2. Huang and Wang: The Effects of 60Hz Magnetic Fields on Plant Growth. Nature and Science. 5(1), 2007 ; pp 60-68

Google Books:

  1. Alexander G Volkov: Plant electrophysiology : theory and methods. Berlin : Springer-Verlag, ©2006.

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Elektromagnetsko zračenje -- Učinak