Pitanje br. 9742
Razlike između zemalja Sjevera i Juga u svijetu - utjecaj globalizacije na ekonomsku razvijenost Sjevera i Juga


  1. Landes, David S.: Bogatstvo i siromaštvo naroda : zašto su neki tako bogati, a neki tako siromašni. Zagreb : Masmedia, 2003 - sign. 330.1 /LAN/ b

  2. Chossudovsky, Michel: Globalizacija bijede i novi svjetski poredak. Zagreb : Prometej, 2008 - sign. 339.9 /CHO/ g

  3. Piketty, Thomas: Kapital u 21. stoljeću. Zagreb : Profil, 2014 - sign. 330 /PIK/ k

  4. Kovačević, Branko: Gospodarstvo svijeta : odabrane teme. Zagreb : Mikrorad, 2003 - sign. 339.9 /KOV/ g  

  5. Hirst, Paul: Globalizacija : međunarodno gospodarstvo i mogućnost upravljanja. Zagreb : Liberata, 2001 - 339.9 /HIR/ g

  6. Mesarić, Milan: XXI. stoljeće : doba sudbonosnih izazova. Zagreb : Prometej, 2008 - sign. 330.1 /MES/ d

  7. Brkić, Luka: Međunarodni ekonomski odnosi i geopolitička slika svijeta. Zagreb : Ministarstvo obrane Republike Hrvatske, Oružane snage : Hrvatsko vojno učilište Petar Zrinski, 2009 - sign. 339.9 /BRK/ m   OP

  8. Samuelson, Paul Anthony: Ekonomija. Zagreb : Mate : Zagrebačka škola ekonomije i managementa, 2011 - sign. 33(075.8) /SAM/ e

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - proxy):

  1. Lees, Nicholas. "The dimensions of the divide: vertical differentiation, international inequality and North–South stratification in international relations theory." Cambridge Review Of International Affairs 25, no. 2 (June 2012): 209-230. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed May 15, 2015).

  2. DOPFEL, FREDERICK E. "The North-South Divide: Perspectives on Global Diversification." Journal Of Portfolio Management 36, no. 1 (Fall2009 2009): 69-77. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed May 15, 2015).

  3. Kacowicz, Arie M. "Globalization, Poverty, and the North–South Divide." International Studies Review 9, no. 4 (December 2007): 565-580. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed May 15, 2015).

  4. Moon, Bruce E. "Reproducing the North–South Divide: The Role of Trade Deficits and Capital Flows." International Studies Review 9, no. 4 (December 2007): 581-600. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed May 15, 2015).

  5. Gough, Julian. "IS THE NORTH/SOUTH DIVIDE WIDENING?." Northern Economic Review no. 36 (Summer2005 2005): 57-71. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed May 15, 2015).

  6. Arrighi, Giovanni, Beverly J. Silver, and Benjamin D. Brewer. "Industrial Convergence, Globalization, and the Persistence of the North-South Divide." Studies In Comparative International Development 38, no. 1 (Spring2003 2003): 3. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed May 15, 2015).

  7. Arrighi, Giovanni. "GLOBAL CAPITALISM AND THE PERSISTENCE OF THE NORTH-SOUTH DIVIDE." Science & Society 65, no. 4 (2002 2001): 469. SocINDEX with Full Text, EBSCOhost (accessed May 15, 2015).

  8. Weber, Steve, and Jennifer Bussell. "Will Information Technology Reshape the North-South Asymmetry of Power in the Global Political Economy?." Studies In Comparative International Development 40, no. 2 (Summer2005 2005): 62-84. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed May 15, 2015).

  9. del Castfflo-Mussot, Marcelo, Jeb Sprague, and Alfredo de la Lama Garcia. "Global Capitalism and "North-South" Unevenness: In Light of Ranking, Statistical Correlations, and Profits from the Forbes' Worldwide List of 2000 Top Firms." Perspectives On Global Development & Technology 12, no. 1/2 (January 2013): 219-245. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed May 15, 2015).

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33 Ekonomija, 339 Trgovina. Međunarodna ekonomija

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