811.111 Engleski jezik
Pitanje: 18697

Features of youth language

Pitanje: 18647

Language characteristics of Latin american immigrants in the U.S.

Pitanje: 15305

 Verb + adjective combinations and their Croatian counterparts

Pitanje: 14642

Competition model

Pitanje: 12936

Literature and Contemporary Media: Campbell's Monomyth in video game trilogies “Dragon Age“ and “Mass Effect"

Pitanje: 12701

GRE test

Pitanje: 12700

TOEFL test

Pitanje: 12612

The role of translating literature in EFL instruction = Uloga i prilagodba književnih prijevoda u podučavanju engleskog jezika

Pitanje: 11849

Abortion and Morality

Pitanje: 11777

American Influence on Globalization and Modification  of the European Customs and Languages =
Američki utjecaj na globalizaciju i promjenu europskih običaja i jezika

Pitanje: 11010

The World of the Hunger Games

Pitanje: 11006

Social, economical and cultural rights

Pitanje: 10190


Pitanje: 9782

Conflict Linguistics - the English only laws

Pitanje: 8840

Innovations in Croatia : strategies, financing

Pitanje: 8724

Population growth

Pitanje: 8556

Intercultural communication and marketing

Pitanje: 8226

Suvremene metode učenja engleskog jezika unutar Bologna sustava

Pitanje: 7166

Brakovi u Japanu

Pitanje: 5192

Women in leadership